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Why I won't wear black to support white farmers

Howard Feldman Joodse joernalis vir News 24Ek plaas ‘n artikel van ‘n Jood met die naam Howard Feldman wat deur Nuus 24 publiseer is. U kan net my standpunt begryp as u hierdie Jood se argument oor waarom hy nie swart sal aantrek om die blanke Boere te ondersteun nie, gelees het. Daar sal duidelike skeidslyne getrek moet word!

Sonder om die oorsaak van die moordsimptoom in ag te neem, sonder dat hy die Afrikaner se geskiedenis en bloedoffers bedink en tenspyte daarvan dat hy alles wat hy vir Israel eis, maar waaroor hy die Afrikanervolk ons beleidsrigting verkwalik, spreek Howard sy sieklike humanistiese oordeel uit asof dit die aller waarheid is en veral die enigste “regte” benadering is. Hy aanvaar duidelik nie dat Suid Afrika die Afrikaner se land is wat deur verraad van ons ontneem is en hoe dit ons raak nie!


Die ellende waarin sy mankkoliekige denkwyse die hele Suid Afrika gedompel het, waarvan die moorde maar net een is, en wat hy terloops niks van hou nie en feitlik daagliks in sy kommentare kritiseer, word glad nie in sy liberale oordele in aanmerking geneem nie.

Sy ontkenning van die verskil tussen rasse lê ten grondslag van sy filantropiese uitsprake, ten koste van die blankes van Suid Afrika en meer in besonder van die Afrikaner wat hierdie land beskaaf en ontwikkel het tot ‘n eerstewêreldland. Voorspoedig, vooruitstrewend, in pas met die mees ontwikkelde lande van die wêreld, wat nou deur Howard en ander liberales se liberale en humanistiese denkpatrone gereduseer is tot rommel! Wat die Afrikaner opgebou het tot almal in ons land se voordeel, ook hierdie Israel Jood s’n, lê nou in die stof deur die ontkenning van wat reg is en vervang met wat ooglopend vernietigend en verkeerd is! Dit is mos kranksinnig!

Wat nog meer tragies is, is die stemme uit Afrikanergeledere wat ons ou landsvlae as apartheidsimbole afmaak! Afrikaners wat dit vertoon het daarvoor verkwalik en sellfs beledig! Gaan dit vir hierdie siele bloot oor die een enkele simptoom wat uitsluitlik sy oorsprong het in die hoogverraad wat die beheer en bestuur van Suid Afrika in die hande van ‘n swart kommunistiese bende terroriste oorhandig het?

Joubert ConradieDit was Chris Loubser wat die emosionele video oproep gemaak het. ‘n Oproep wat tot die spontane reaksie oor die lengte en breedte van ons hele land ons volk tot verset gelei het. Die menings wat egter in die uitreksel van ‘n onderhoud met Chris Loubser en Talita Basson publiseer is, is ‘n kulminasie van media invloed wat neerslag gevind het in die denke van baie jongmense vir wie dit wat reg is, verkeerd geword het en andersom!

Die naïwiteit van hierdie twee mense wat ons landsvlae se vertoon as die rede beskou waarom ons aangeval word, is ‘n tragiese realiteit van die verwronge begrip wat daar onder ons Afrikaners ontstaan het van die hoekoms en die waaroms van politieke gebeure in ons vaderland! Sonder bewustheid dat hulle die vyande van die Afrikanervolk napraat ten koste van hulleself en ons volk en sonder om die ontstaan van die algehele verval van ons samelewing sedert 1994 te verreken, trek hulle ‘n streep deur die skynbare sukses van die versetpoging deur die simptoom te verdoem maar die oorsaak daarvan te verdedig en in stand te hou! Dit was wyle mnr. Jaap Marais wat telkens gewaarsku het dat as jy in die bestel ingaan, sal jy daarin opgaan! Hierdie soort van uitsprake is die bewys daarvan!

Enige organisasie en/of persone wat die oortuiging propageer dat ons saam met die regime, binne die bestel moet werk aan ‘n oplossing, tree nie in belang van die Afrikanervolk op nie en is inderdaad bewustelik of onbewustelik besig om die Afrikanervolk se vryheid en uiteindelik sy ondergang te help bewerkstellig! Die grondwet is ‘n Godlose grondwet en ons sal nie God se seën kan verwag deur ons deelname daaraan nie! Dit is reeds sigbaar tenspyte van gebede en verdeelde optrede. God vereis van ons gehoorsaamheid en bekering van sonde, nie van politiieke korrektheid in terme van wêreldeise nie!


Howard Feldman is a businessman, philanthropist and social commentator. He is a commodity trader with a secret passion for writing and literature – something he tells no one about. He holds the position as Chairman of the Board of the SAJR, the only weekly Jewish focused newspaper in South Africa.

He is unashamedly Jewish, unashamedly South African, and unashamedly supportive of Israel. He is married to Heidi and has 5 children who he loves all the time but likes most of the time. He even has a daughter in law.

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News24   Howard Feldman

Why I won't wear black to support white farmers  2017-10-30 06:50

I won't be wearing black for the murdered white farmers. I won't be signing the petition to create awareness and I won't be sharing pictures of blood splattered walls on my Facebook page.

I won't be doing this because I believe that it is wrong to do so, and this is why.

South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world. All races of South Africans are murdered every day and in alarming numbers – white farmers and black ones and white plumbers and black ones and white doctors and black ones. White school teachers and black teachers and white moms and black ones and homeless people of all races. South Africans are being murdered each day.

Their colour and vocation are not relevant.

Howard FeldmanAt least not to me.(AVP beklemtoning)

And that's why I won't wear black for white farmers.

27 years ago a member of my family was murdered in a home invasion. To this day the subject is too painful for some of us to speak of. The family might have gathered itself and moved forward, but the pain and the loss and the horror are a precariously closed wound that might burst at any time, reminding us all of the day that changed our lives.

She was white. But she wasn't a farmer.

And I don't need to wear black for her.

President Jacob Zuma has tried his best to racially divide the nation. He has used this tactic against the people he was elected to serve: all South Africans of all races.

The term "white monopoly capital" has been used to cause further resentment and anger in a country that struggles with race identity and its past. This strategy has allowed the government to continue to plunder the resources of country.

He has used our race against us.

I am devastated that farmers are being murdered. And that they feel that no one cares. I am just not confident that highlighting a racial group will do more good than bad. I am worried that it sends a message to fellow South Africans that their lives might be worth less because they are not white or they are not a famer.

South Africans need to stand up to government to demand that crime is dealt with. For all of us. For each and every South African.

Including white farmers.

- Feldman is the author of Carry on Baggage and Tightrope and the afternoon drive show presenter on Chai FM. Disclaimer: News24 encourages freedom of speech and the expression of diverse views. The views of columnists published on News24 are therefore their own and do not necessarily represent the views of News24. 



by Jewish Report | Aug 05, 2014

By Howard Feldman

‘n Uittreksel ...

The conflict between rationally knowing that Israel is doing that which needs to be done, and the feeling that we want it all to stop so that killing ceases and our boys can come home, is our challenge. It is the challenge of knowing that taking steps to protect our people will make us the pariahs of the world. It is the challenge of knowing that although Hamas and the ineffectual UN shoulder the responsibility for much of the damage to the people of Gaza, we still feel the pain of their suffering. We need to be clear and we need to be rational. It is not he who shouts accusations the loudest who wins but those on the side of fairness and peace and human dignity. And whereas we know that we live in an unjust world, where the media does not adhere to its own lofty goals, where the United Nations struggles with its own relevance and integrity, where anti-Semitism lies in-wait even in calmer times, what choice to do have but to rely on our own moral compass that we have followed from the times of Abraham.


South Africa

Farmer 'surprised' by all the support

31 October 2017 - 06:39 By Aron Hyman

Chris Loubser pays tribute to wine farmer Joubert Conradie.

Image: Screengrab via YouTube/TimesLIVE

After 47-year-old Stellenbosch wine farmer Joubert Conradie was murdered on his farm last week‚ Loubser made an impassioned plea for farmers from across the country to take some sort of action in protest against farm killings.

He called on people to wear black to mourn those who have been killed.

“It was a big surprise that this thing became so big. It shows that there is a higher hand at work here. I can’t speak for other places‚ but the one we did in Cape Town was completely for peace and is offered to our creator‚” said Loubser.

“We need to stand together. We believe that we will be heard somewhere. There are people that have already contacted me that want to go and speak with political parties‚” he said.

He said he wanted to go back to being a farmer and would let other people take the cause forward.

Loubser said he only knew Conradie from farmers’ conventions‚ but his death put a face to farm murders.

“I think because it wasn’t Koos in Bloemfontein‚ whose face you didn’t know‚ it was Joubert‚ a guy whose face I can remember‚” said Loubser.

Social media posts from other parts of the country showed some people waving apartheid-era flags and wearing shirts depicting a racial agenda.

A Times photographer witnessed one person with a T-shirt bearing an old SA flag being chastised by other protesters at the Cape Town event. The man was told to turn his shirt inside out.

Loubser decried this kind of behaviour‚ saying this attitude was part of the reason why farmers were attacked.

“It just takes one guy to wave an old apartheid flag and to break down everything you try and build‚ to break down everything which 100 other people are trying to do to improve our image‚” said Loubser.

“These guys must go and think a little bit‚ that’s why these things are happening to us.”

Loubser’s sentiment was echoed by the organiser of the Cape Town protest‚ Talita Basson.

Convoys of vehicles from as far as Klapmuts‚ 50 kilometres from Cape Town‚ converged on Green Point Stadium. Basson‚ who is 21‚ said she was angered when she saw on social media that there were people waving apartheid flags.

“I was born in the new South Africa. I know nothing about the old South Africa. Yes‚ bring your pride‚ bring your feeling of unity‚ but leave the old South African flag at home because it stands for bad things‚” said Basson.

“The bigger picture we are trying to paint is‚ look after your neighbour‚ look after your fellow man and we did it all in the name of the Lord. That’s how we managed to stand up through all of this‚ through prayer and I really want to get it that out there that we couldn’t do it without strength from God‚” she said.





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